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Tenure Track position in Fair, accountable and transparent systems

Are you interested in creating intelligent systems that serve people and society? Systems that are fair, that can be held accountable, that respect confidential information, and that are transparent and safe for their users? We are seeking a tenure track assistant professor interested in the development of artificial intelligence that is better able to understand human values, cater for human needs, and interact with people and society.

You will be joining a growing and vibrant team of colleagues within the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam who are tackling problems related to the development of data-driven AI technology that respects the people and societies that it interacts with. One of our new initiatives in this space is the Civic AI Lab (CAIL) in which we collaborate with the City of Amsterdam. We are situated within Amsterdam’s larger artificial intelligence and data science ecosystem (e.g. Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), Amsterdam Data Science (ADS)) and value socially relevant, practice-informed and interdisciplinary research and outreach.

Read the full vacancy here





+31(0)20 525 2270


Informatics Institute,

Room C3.156
Faculty of Science,

University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904,

1098 XH Amsterdam

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