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Research projects of Civic AI Lab focus on developing advanced AI technology that promotes economic and social human rights, such as the right to health, education and employment, while respecting fundamental human rights such as non-discrimination and equality. A big part of our focus is knowledge dissemination and providing information to the public about just and inclusive AI. We do that with blog posts that explain & engage the general public, by providing interviews and talks about fair AI and by supervising students (BSc and MSc). Here you can find some of these activities:
Is ai zegen of vloek voor maatschappij? for Computable Magazine
Awards moeten zwarte mensen inspireren om ook hoge positie te bereiken for Trouw
Hoe kunnen computers je anders laten denken? for Algemeen Dagblad
De AI voor meer kansengelijkhei for De Nationale Data Podcast
Discriminerende algoritmen en EU regulering for NTRT Atlas
Hoe kunnen mensen leren van de fouten die AI maakt? for Curiosophy Podcast
Een algoritme om de wereld eerlijker te maken for NRC Podcast
AI Ethics: Preventing Harms & Doing Good for Daily Data Bytes
We must aspire to develop an AI that supports humanity the interview is in Spanish, for Ubbiquo Global
A practitioner’s perspective on mitigating AI bias, WiDS - The Netherland, with the Women in data science
Algorithmic fairness in the wild: a conversation, with the AI Tech Week: Research
Cooperation and coordination dynamics in collective index insurance, with the Conference on Complex Systems 2021
Response to 2021 Tanner Lecture on AI and Humand Values, with the Critical Borders: Radical (Re)visions of AI Conference
Fair and Inclusive Algorithms, with the ING Data Science Community Conference
Inclusive Algorithms, with the NEMO Science Museum
AI, bias and society, for the Nederlands Mathematisch Congres
AI Bias in Practice: Technical & Ethical Issues, with the AUCMUN'21: Amsterdam University College Model United Nations
Synthetic Data & Fair AI, with the Dataiku Seminar Series
The impact of link recommendation algorithms in polarization and consensus dynamics, with the Complex Networks 2021 - Conference, Madrid
Talks with students:
General Q&A session with BSc Anthropology students on Fair and Explainable AI
Basics of AI Ethics and Bias Analysis, Invited Lecture at the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l' Analyse Informatique - ENSAI (France)
The impact of social perception biases in collective action dynamics, Invited-lecture, Computer Science Department Seminars, Université Libre de Bruxelles
CAIL and fair AI in the city of Amsterdam, for the MSc students of the TPM faculty, at TUDelft
Ethics of Hybrid Intelligence, Invited-lecture in Ethics and Privacy Course, for the MSc. AI at VU
Topics of thesis supervision at BSc and MSc level:
MSc. Thesis: Unsupervised Bias Discovery
MSc. Thesis: RecSys in HR
MSc. Thesis: XAI and Bias Analysis
MSc. Thesis: Causal Models for Fair Student Assessment
BSc. Thesis: Emotion Recognition in HR
Research projects of Civic AI Lab focus on developing advanced AI technology that promotes economic and social human rights? Visit us Telkom University