We are happy to announce that the Horizon Europe Program will fund our project,"CommuniCity: Innovative Solutions Responding to the Needs of Cities & Communities."
The project, which will begin in September 2022 and last through September 2025, seeks to promote the socioeconomic and technological engagement of disadvantaged or excluded groups in society through co-creation that is human-centered and community-minded.
Co-creation has become popular driver for the digital transformation of cities and communities. Its promise lies in breaking down hierarchies between local government, business, universities, citizens and other stakeholders. However, co-creation is not free from inequalities, power relationships, and unbalanced forms of governance that often emerge as soon as co-creation is turned into practice. In CommuniCity, we aim to address this co-creation challenge. The consortium consist of academics, applied research institutes, cities and communities.
The project will be coordinated between the University of Amsterdam and Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC). Other consortium partners are: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, City of Amsterdam, ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs), Domus Social, Forum Virium Helsinki, Demos Helsinki, Porto Digital, SPI - Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, CENTRE DE VISIO PER COMPUTADOR. Giovanni Sileno and Sennay Ghebreab will lead the project at the University of Amsterdam.
We'll soon begin hiring for a post-doc position with a focus on methods and approaches for ethical and inclusive community engagement with technology and social innovation!
Please send an email to info@civic-ai.nl, if you'd like to express your interest in joining our team, and the CommuniCity consortium!