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Civic AI Lab online Kick-off event

The University of Amsterdam, the Vrije Universiteit, the City of Amsterdam and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations are announcing the kick-off of a joint ICAI research lab on artificial intelligence for public values, the Civic AI Lab.

This online event will take place on December 10, 2020 from 16:00-17:00. The event will be live streamed from the heart of Amsterdam at A’DAM Toren. It is the opportunity to learn more about the lab’s research and societal objectives for the city of Amsterdam and beyond.

The program features an academic keynote by Ruha Benjamin from Princeton University, a reflection by Sigrid Johannisse from The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the US, overview of Civic AI Lab, and the official opening by Touria Meliani (Deputy Mayor, City of Amsterdam), Marieke van Wallenburg (Director-General for Public Administration, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations), Vinod Subramariam (Rector Magnificus, VU), Geert ten Dam (Chair Executive Board, UvA).

To register for this event please visit the following URL:





+31(0)20 525 2270


Informatics Institute,

Room C3.156
Faculty of Science,

University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904,

1098 XH Amsterdam

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