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Civic AI Lab at the ECP Jaarfestival 2021

On Thursday 11 November, the hybrid ECP Annual Festival 2021 will took place in the Fokker Terminal The Hague and online with an interactive program of debates, sessions, workshops and networking opportunities. The theme of this year was the: digidos and digidon'ts in the digital society.

photo by the ECP JaarFestival 2021

During the ECP Annual Festival, the WRR presented its latest report: Task AI The new system technology. A report with five recommendations on the acceptance, implementation and development of AI. Our Lab and specifically Sennay Ghebreab our scientific director was one of the first correspondents! To learn more about the report take a look at the video!

Moreover, we participated in interesting discussions such as the: AI for people, AI with people or AI by people. The discussion was organised by the AI Technology for People.

photo by AI Technology For People





+31(0)20 525 2270


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Room C3.156
Faculty of Science,

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1098 XH Amsterdam

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